Kent Farrington | Top International Show Jumping Athlete — Kent Farrington | Top International Show Jumping Athlete

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15564 Sunnyland Lane
Wellington, FL 33414


The official website of elite American show jumping athlete Kent Farrington.



Kent Farrington About - a short biography of show jumping athlete Kent Farrington


Kent Farrington


Kent Farrington is renowned as one of the best equestrian show jumpers in the world today. His many accolades include the world number one ranking which he held consecutively for over a year, an Olympic Silver Medal for Team USA, and winning some of the most prestigious Grand Prix in the sport, including Rolex Majors at CHIO Aachen and CHI Geneva and twice winning the Rolex World Top Ten Final. Both inside and outside of the ring, the decorated American is recognized for his fastidiousness, athleticism and dedication to excellence.

As an eight-year-old boy with no family background in horses, Kent’s entry into the sport began with weekly lessons at a stable housing carriage horses in downtown Chicago. Working his way from racing ponies to retraining ex-racehorses, Kent spent most of his junior career catch-riding for many industry professionals. He became an accomplished young rider, winning the Washington International Equitation Medal as well as the coveted Eiser/Pessoa National Equitation Medal Finals. Kent solidified his presence in the sport when he claimed a gold medal at the 1999 North American Young Riders International Competition at the age of 18. 

Kent turned professional later that year, accepted a job with four-time British Olympian Tim Grubb, and later worked with two-time US Olympian Leslie Howard. At 21, Farrington started his own business and became one of the fastest riders to enter the club of earning over $1 million in prize money. He received the Maxine Beard Award, presented to the American rider who best displays true potential to represent the United States on the international stage.

"I'm proud of where my team is today," Kent says. "It is a long way from where it began and I'm very fortunate to have an amazing group of people around me that have helped make my career what it is now. I'm excited to see where we can take it from here."

As he continues to build upon his impressive career, Kent stays true to the words of his dad, “learn from everyone, don’t completely copy anyone, and be the best version of yourself”.