Kent Farrington | Top International Show Jumping Athlete — Kent Farrington | Top International Show Jumping Athlete

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15564 Sunnyland Lane
Wellington, FL 33414


The official website of elite American show jumping athlete Kent Farrington.

Kent Farrington - Show Jumping Schedule

International show jumping athlete Kent Farrington's tentative schedule for the year

2025 Schedule

Winter Equestrian Festival

Wellington, Florida
January 7—March 30

Thermal Desert Classic CSI5*

Thermal, California
January 29—February 2

Winter Spectacular VII CSI4*

Ocala, Florida
February 12—16

The Dutch Masters CSI5*

‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
March 13—16

Kentucky International CSI5*

Lexington, Kentucky
April 22—27

Royal Windsor Horse Show CSI5*

Windsor, United Kingdom
May 13—18

Rome Piazza Di Siena CSIO5*

Rome, Italy
May 21—25

Jumpers International de La Baule CSIO5*

La Baule, France
June 4—8

GCT St. Tropez CSI5*

St. Tropez, France
June 11—14

Paris, Tour Eiffel CSI5*

Paris, France
June 19—22

Stockholm City CSI5*

Stockholm, Sweden
June 26—29

CHIO Aachen CSIO5*

Aachen, Germany
June 30-July 6

Jumping de Dinard CSI5*

Dinard, France
July 23—27

Great Lakes Equestrian Festival VI CSI5*

Traverse City, Michigan
August 6—10

Ottawa International CSI5*

Ottawa, Ontario
August 13—17

Angelstone Events Gold 3 CSI5*

Rockwood, Ontario
August 21—24

The Hampton Classic CSI5*

Bridgehampton, New York
August 26—31

Spruce Meadows Masters CSIO5*

Calgary, Alberta
September 2—7

Traverse City Fall International CSI5*

Williamsburg, Michigan
September 10—14

American Gold Cup CSI5*

Williamsburg, Michigan
September 19—21

CSI Greenwich CSI5*

Greenwich, Connecticut
September 24—28

Silo Ridge Masters CSI5*

Amenia, New York
October 8—12

Tryon Equestrian Center CSI5*

Mill Spring, North Carolina
October 14—19

Washington International Horse Show CSI5*W

Upper Marlboro, Maryland
October 20—26

Royal Winter Agricultural Fair CSI5*W

Toronto, Ontario
November 10—15

Desert International Horse Park CSI5*W

Arcadia, California
November 19—December 7

CSI Geneva CSI5*

Geneva, Switzerland
December 11—14