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15564 Sunnyland Lane
Wellington, FL 33414


The official website of elite American show jumping athlete Kent Farrington.

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Kent Farrington Show Jumping Rider Home Page


Kent Farrington Hails Home Win at Wellington International in Fidelity Investments CSI5* Grand Prix

World no. 3 Kent Farrington stormed to a five-star victory on home ground in the $385,000 Fidelity Investments® Grand Prix aboard his 2024 FEI World Cup™ Final partner Greya in the Wellington International stadium during the Winter Equestrian Festival.


Farrington gets first try and final say at Desert International Horse Park in Thermal

Kent Farrington (USA) logged his second World Cup victory of the 2024/25 season Saturday night at Desert International Horse Park (USA), riding to the top of the Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™ in Thermal.


Kent Farrington is unstoppable with Toulayna in the $200,000 UF Health Grand Prix CSI4*

At the UF Health Grand Prix CSI4*during Week III of the 2025 Winter Spectacular Show Series, Kent Farrington (USA) capped off an incredible week of victories, securing the win aboard the exceptional Toulayna (Toulon x Parco),owned by Rabbit Root Stables, LLC.