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15564 Sunnyland Lane
Wellington, FL 33414


The official website of elite American show jumping athlete Kent Farrington.

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Kent Farrington Show Jumping Rider Home Page


Kent Farrington is on fire, winning the $200,000 Mars Equestrian Grand Prix CSI4* aboard Toulayna

Some of the world’s biggest stars were out to compete for top honors on Saturday night at World Equestrian Center – Ocala (WEC) for the highlight event of the week, the $200,000 MARS Equestrian Grand Prix CSI4*. Crowds filled the WEC Grand Arena once again to watch a star-studded field deliver their best, but in a battle between three of the world’s top riders, it was World No. 3 Kent Farrington (USA) who added another international win to his growing list, aboard Toulayna (Toulon x Parco), owned by Rabbit Root Stables, LLC.


Kent Farrington and Grass de Mars outrun the field in $117,000 Mars Equestrian Grand Prix Qualifier CSI4*

A competitive field of Olympians and some of the world’s best riders gathered at the WEC Grand Arena on Thursday to vie for top honors in the $117,000 MARS Equestrian Grand Prix Qualifier CSI4*. Fresh off a string of five-star and four-star victories, Kent Farrington (USA) piloted his promising young partner, Grass De Mars (Cornet Obolensky x Dollar Dela Pierre) owned by Robinson Ridge, LLC, straight to the top of the leaderboard after an incredibly fast jump-off.


Kent Farrington Keeps on Winning in $62,500 Hermès CSI5* 1.50m Classic

One CSI5* win wasn’t enough for Kent Farrington (USA), who walked away with another on Sunday in the $62,500 Hermès CSI5* 1.50m Classic to close out Week 7 of the Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF). Aboard Grass de Mars, Farrington proved he has another top contender coming up the ranks.